
Pastor Aubrey Longmore
First Lady Thelma Longmore
I was born in Jamaica and came to the UK in 1965 at the age of 11. I lived in London (Peckham, Lee and East Dulwich) and moved to Milton Keynes in 1988.
I am in my middle sixties and have been married to my wife Thelma for 42 years. We have two grown up children and a grand-daughter.
I received my ministerial licence from united Pentecostal church of Great Britain and Ireland (UPCGB&I) in 1998 and was ordained in 2002.
I have preached in the UK, the USA and the Caribbean and taught in the three bible schools of the UPCGB&I located in London, Bilston and Glasgow.
Prior to becoming the senior pastor in 1998, I served as one of the assistant pastors for about 15 years. I have been in my present church for more than 40 years. I have served in the capacity of deacon, elder, local youth and district youth leader and currently serve as Presbyter for the Central District and senior pastor of Faith Tabernacle.
I believe my primary function in the body of Christ is to teach and preach. My greatest joy is to teach and preach God’s Word, and seeing lives transformed by the Spirit of God.
We are presently in the process of extending our building in hopes of providing better facilities for the church and community.
For relaxation, I like to play the guitar, ride my bicycle, walk with my wife whenever possible and read.
Keith Gentry was born in 1965 in Gloucester England. He is happily married to Janice and they have two wonderful children: Joshua & Jazmin.
Keith was connected to the church environment via a Christian youth club from the age of eight years old and has grown spiritually from an active youth club member and leader in church-based youth clubs and Sunday schools.
Keith is empowered to minister in the Word of God. The anointing in his ministry is not just limited to the “here and now” of the message. God’s word will certainly go home with you and activate a new work inside of you. Keith has a style that is best described as totally focused in the faith and word of God and the total belief that Jesus can un-fix/fix any situation, therefore the believer will be liberated, delivered and set free from sin. Keith believes the name of Jesus will certainly heal the sick and save lives. By God’s power and His love for His people we will be living in joy, peace and the Holy Ghost and experience the Kingdom of God in Keith’s ministry.
One of Keith’s favourite sayings is ‘God is not complicated’ and wherever possible, Keith will break down the word, so everyone will receive a word from God.
Keith has been in Milton Keynes for over 35 years, and now one of the pastors at Faith Tabernacle. He received his United Pentecostal Church local license to preach the Gospel in 2015.
Keith has written two books, his latest book 'Good Choices' is inspired from the book of Corinthians in regards to the Macedonian churches (one of the poorest regions) who sowed in faith and trusted God, to help send the younger Timothy to preach to the very prosperous Corinthian church heading for spiritual disaster.
Keith likes to be with his family whenever possible, he likes to cook and loves eating out, along with running and keeping active. Keith likes to help people find their true destiny in life, working in the Kingdom of God to make things better.
Twitter: @kgentry89